Why has progress towards marriage equality been so slow in Australia?

In this final piece of assessment students must write a research essay answering one of the questions below. A research essay is an essay that answers a question using information gathered from proper scholarly research. The two most important things to remember when working on this essay are question and research: you must answer the question, and you must do so on the basis of research into your chosen topic.

Most of the questions below are related to one of this unit’s seminar topics. A great place to start your research is the list of References and Further Readings in the relevant topic guide. Students must also do their own research through the library catalogue (i.e. Ebscohost). Please note that students cannot write on the same topic in assessment tasks 2 and 3.

Please reference your essays fully and correctly, using either Oxford or Harvard referencing style. Essays will be examined using the following criteria: Question; research; essay structure; quality of writing; presentation and referencing.


This is the questions I have chosen.

  1. Why has progress towards marriage equality been so slow in Australia?


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