
Write an Employee class that keeps data attributes for the following pieces of information:

· Employee Name

· Employee Number

Next, write a class named ProductionWorker that is a subclass of the Employee class. The ProductionWorker class should keep data attributes for the following information:

· Shift Number (an integer 1 or 2)

· Hourly Pay Rate

The workday is divided into two shifts: day and night. The shift attribute will hold an integer value representing the shift that the employee works. The day shift is shift 1 and the night shift is shift 2. Write the appropriate accessor and mutator methods for each class.

Once you have written the classes, write a program that creates an object of the ProductionWorker class and prompts the user to enter data for each of the object’s data attributes. Store the data in the object and then use the object’s accessor methods to retrieve it and display it on the screen.

Add the following comments to the beginning of the program.

Name: Your Name

Class and Section: CS 222 01

Assignment: Program Assignment 03

Due Date: See above

Date Turned in:

Program Description: You write a short description of what the program will do

When you complete the program, do the following.

1. Create a folder with the following name: ProgramAssignment03

2. Copy your program to this folder

3. Copy the folder to your folder in the I:\kopp\inbox\CS 222 01 folder

4. Print a copy of the source code and turn it in.

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