Program Development in Adult Education

Program Development in Adult Education

Everything is ran through plagiarism checker for the teacher so I need all original work. This is three different assignments. All one price.


Scenario: You have just started a new role as a Program Manager in a learning and development department. As you start to review the existing training manuals, you realize that an evaluation has never been done on any of the training. Choose a training program that you know well from your work experience. Create an evaluation model or rubric to assess the training program. Consider the Kirkpatrick evaluation model and other evaluation methodologies introduced in this week’s readings. Note: Refer to Ch. 28 through 32 of the ASTD Handbook for Workplace Learning Professionalsin this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings for help with this assignment. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit the assignment. ——————————- Due#2:

Research trends in the education or training marketplace in your industry. Create a 3- to 4-slide presentation of your plan that includes the following: • The top four training trends in your industry • Goals, objectives, and strategies that will prepare your organization to proactively address these trends. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.



Signature Assignment: Training Program Plan*

The Training Program Plan project provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to develop a training program that leads to a positive impact on adult learning. You will design and create a training program plan that includes the following components:

• Needs or gap analysis • Training program description • Budget • Stakeholders and goals • Training promotional materials • Program evaluation

Part I – Needs or Gap Analysis

It is recommended that you begin this section of the Training Program Plan in Week 1.

Analyze your identified educational need in your workplace organization by completing a needs or gap analysis. Use a survey or questionnaire, or conduct a focus group to determine needs or gaps.

Write a 350- to 700-word analysis of the educational needs at the organization. Include evidence from your survey, questionnaire, or focus group to support your analysis, and explain how a training program will support a positive impact on adult learning.

Part II – Training Program Description

It is recommended that you begin this section of the Training Program Plan in Week 2.

Based on the needs/gap analysis, describe the training program that you will be designing for your workplace organization:

• Define the scope of the training program. • Describe the intended audience. • Define the program goals. • Define the program objectives.

Write a 350-word introduction to the training program explaining how it will produce a positive impact on adult learning.

Format the paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Part III – Budget

It is recommended that you begin this section of the Training Program Plan in Week 3.

Create a budget for the training program you are designing for your workplace organization based on the scope, audience, goals, and objectives described in Part II.

Include cost estimates for all the following categories in your budget.

• Personnel • External staff (e.g., consultants) • Materials or Equipment • Technical support • Travel • Facilities

Part IV – Stakeholders and Goals

It is recommended that you begin this section of the Training Program Plan in Week 4.

Using the program goals you identified in Part II, create a list of stakeholders aligned to each goal.

Explain the role of each stakeholder in the training program and how you intend to gain their support to produce a positive impact on adult learning for the training program.

Part V – Training Promotional Materials

It is recommended that you begin this section of the Training Program Plan in Week 5.

Create promotional materials for the training program you are developing for your workplace organization. Include the following in your promotional materials:

• A marketing message that includes a logo, slogan, and fact sheet • Benefits of the training program, including instructional practices to produce a positive impact on adult learning • An explanation of how you will communicate and distribute the promotional materials in your organization

Part VI – Program Evaluation

It is recommended that you begin this section of the Training Program Plan in Week 5.

Create an evaluation for your training program. Include qualitative and quantitative items in your evaluation. Consider using a survey, questionnaire, etc.

Part VII – Implementation

This activity will be delivered in Week 6.

Design a 10- to 15-minute activity based on a training program goal and aligned objective(s). Access the Technology Resources Library to select a presentation tool.

Present the activity in a medium of your choice to the class.

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