Professional Development Portfolio

1/30/2018 Assessment 5 – BSN-FP4020 – Winter 2018 – Section 02 1/3
Assessment 5
Professional Development Portfolio
Reflect on everything you have accomplished in your program and what it means in terms of career
advancement. There is no required minimum length for your summary, but be sure you address each program
outcome as thoroughly as possible.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course
competencies and assessment criteria:
Questions to Consider
To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a
fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.
Required Resources
Use the completed assessments in this course as supporting evidence for your portfolio.
Capella Resources
APA Paper Template.
APA Paper Tutorial.
Assessment Instructions
Your Professional Development Portfolio is the final portion of your capstone project. For Part I, compile
specific artifacts that would be suitable to present at a job interview or performance review. In addition to the
four previous assessments you have completed in this course, prepare a written summary (Part II) of your
proficiency in all of the program outcomes and highlight accomplishments from your portfolio that illustrate
your level of competence.
Note: You will not be re-evaluated on the four previous assessments you submit as artifacts for your Portfolio;
you will only be evaluated on your written summary. Be sure, however, that you submit your entire portfolio.
Part I
Details Attempt 1 Available Attempt 2 Attempt 3

1/30/2018 Assessment 5 – BSN-FP4020 – Winter 2018 – Section 02 2/3
Prepare your Professional Development Portfolio by compiling into a .zip file all the assessments (artifacts) you
have completed for this course. Organize your portfolio in a manner that makes sense for you. To make it
easier to reference specific assessments, use a numbering or lettering system such as A, B, C, and so on.
For example:
Assessment A: Health Assessment and Communication.
Assessment B: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.
For example, in the summary you write in Part II, you would reference portions of Assessment A to support
your proficiency in the corresponding competencies.
Part II
Complete the following:
1. Write a summary of your proficiency in each of the program outcomes. Refer to specific assessments
and content to support your summary. Answer how well are you able to do the following:
1. Conduct comprehensive and focused assessments of health and illness parameters in individuals,
groups, and vulnerable populations.
2. Incorporate concepts of patient safety, clinical management, and quality improvement to
improve patient outcomes.
3. Incorporate evidence-based practice interventions (for example, information systems and
patient-care technologies) as appropriate for managing the acute and chronic care of patients,
promoting health across the lifespan.
4. Understand the scope and role of policy, finance, and regulatory environments in relationship to
individual and population outcomes.
5. Communicate effectively with all members of the health care team, including interdepartmental
and interdisciplinary collaboration for quality outcomes.
6. Apply knowledge of organizational behavior, nursing theory, and systems (micro- and macro-) as
appropriate for the scope and role of one’s own practice.
7. Apply and incorporate a basic understanding of the concepts of health promotion and disease
prevention as a means of improving health at the individual, population, and community level.
8. Incorporate a holistic, caring, culturally appropriate nursing approach that contributes to the
wellness and health of individuals, groups, and vulnerable populations.
9. Incorporate the qualities, skills, behaviors, and knowledge required to function as a patient
advocate, practice high quality care, assess and evaluate patient outcomes, and provide
leadership in improving care.
10. Integrate a holistic approach to local, regional, national, and global dynamics in nursing and
health care system delivery.
2. Conclude your summary explaining how lifelong learning can help support you in your career goals.
Additional Requirements
Format: You do not need to use APA formatting for this assessment.
Length: There is no required minimum length for your summary, but be sure you address each
program outcome as thoroughly as possible.
References: You do not need to use any supporting resources other than your completed assessments.
Font: Use double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font.
1/30/2018 Assessment 5 – BSN-FP4020 – Winter 2018 – Section 02 3/3
How to use the scoring guide
Professional Development Portfolio Scoring Guide
Use the scoring guide to enhance your learning.
This button will take you to the next available assessment
attempt tab, where you will be able to submit your assessment.

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