Professional Custom Accounting: What would you as a parent contribute to the development of your child that daycare can’t?
Your textbook mentions daycare/childcare in a couple of sections (you’ll read about it next week as well). After you’ve read all the reading for this week, answer the following questions. Don’t make this a political response (“I like . . . don’t like childcare”) but use it as an example to pull together and apply core concepts from the two chapters for the week.
Divide your answer into three sections (use a heading for each section)
1. What would be necessary in a childcare setting to stimulate full development during infancy and toddler hood? Think of physical/motor, cognitive, language, personality and sociocultural development. Don’t write a book but pick out main points and make it clear that you are applying text content.
2. Based on the chapters’ content, what could go wrong in development because of a daycare setting? What would be the optimum daycare environment to complete development?
3. What would you as a parent contribute to the development of your child that daycare can’t?