Professional Custom Accounting: What were the negative and lingering effects manifested themselves across the continent, as a result of these wars?

Professional Custom Accounting: What were the negative and lingering effects manifested themselves across the continent, as a result of these wars?

Please answer the following question. Your answer should be thorough and demonstrate your understanding of the material.

War is often a double-edged sword for nations that participate. When nations of Africa were pulled into World War I and II, what worked out well for them? What were the negative and lingering effects manifested themselves across the continent, as a result of these wars?

Make sure you support your answer with evidence from the readings.

200 words

Please answer the following question.  Your answer should be thorough and demonstrate your understanding of the material.

Should international drug companies provide pharmaceuticals to Africa free of charge?

Make sure you support your answer with evidence from the readings.

200 words  

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