Professional Custom Accounting: What nursing interventions would assist the patient with SCI with psychosocial adaptation?

Professional Custom Accounting: What nursing interventions would assist the patient with SCI with psychosocial adaptation?

  1. What deficits would be expected in a patient with a C7 fracture?
  2. What are the major complications of prolonged immobility and what are the nursing interventions that could be used to prevent each?
  3. Why is this patient at risk for pneumonia and what are the nursing interventions that could be used to help prevent this complication?
  4. Describe the essential elements of a bladder retraining program?
  5. What nursing interventions would assist the patient with SCI with psychosocial adaptation?

You should include a minimum of 3 references. Include a title page, in-text citations, and a reference page in APA format.

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