Professional Custom Accounting: What methods are utilized by the program to provide intervention, health promotion, or treatment for the developmental issue with regard to cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic sensitivity?

Professional Custom Accounting: What methods are utilized by the program to provide intervention, health promotion, or treatment for the developmental issue with regard to cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic sensitivity?

A. Discuss the target of the program in terms of whether the program promotes healthy development, targets prevention of a developmental issue, or provides actual treatment for an issue. In other words, is the program promotional, preventative, or prescriptive? [PSY-632-02]

B. Determine the extent to which the assessment and treatment methods employed by the program address the selected developmental issue across diverse populations. [PSY-632-04]

i. What is the process for an individual with the selected developmental issue to be admitted to the selected program? What admissions policies or procedures might need to be considered in terms of cultural, ethnic, or socioeconomic standing?

ii. What methods are utilized by the program to provide intervention, health promotion, or treatment for the developmental issue with regard to cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic sensitivity?

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