Professional Custom Accounting: What is the effect of incentives on students’ motivation to respond to posts?

Professional Custom Accounting: What is the effect of incentives on students’ motivation to respond to posts?

Apply the scientific method to the information included within the scenario and develop a null and a research hypothesis based on it.

Applying the scientific method to develop a research hypothesis is an important step in the experimental design process. Prior to developing a hypothesis, first a question must be developed. Research question: What is the effect of incentives on students’ motivation to respond to posts? When a null hypothesis exists, the researcher is trying to discredit that there is not a statistical difference between the two variables stated in the hypothesis. Based on the scenario, my null hypothesis would be: incentives will not increase the number of online psychology students’ responses to posts. In addition, my research hypothesis would be: incentives will increase the number of online psychology students’ responses to posts.

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