Professional Custom Accounting: What do you feel are the three most important principles in the NCA Credo for Ethical Communication

Professional Custom Accounting: What do you feel are the three most important principles in the NCA Credo for Ethical Communication

  1. Who or what was the most important influence on your moral development as you were growing up? Explain how this impacted your ethical beliefs and communication with other people.
  2. What do you feel are the three most important principles in the NCA Credo for Ethical Communication that would also be reflected in your own personal credo for communicating ethically with others? Explain why you feel these are the most important to you.
  3. Propose one additional principle (one that isn’t already listed on the NCA Credo) that you would like to see everyone practice in their ethical communication with others.
  4. While the NCA has a credo for ethical communication, there is no discussion of enforcement of those principles. Why do you think having such a credo is still important for its membership?
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