Professional Custom Accounting: What are the fallacies of thinking in terms of “women’s” art, culture, morality, or history

Professional Custom Accounting: What are the fallacies of thinking in terms of “women’s” art, culture, morality, or history

1. Pateman says the sexual contract is part of the social contract. Describe with reference to the “Founding Fathers” of the U.S.; and the establishment of Australia.

2. How, for Pateman, does the liberal idea of individual rights mask patriarchy and curtail the political lives of women?

3. Is there a politics to sex, relations between the sexes, and private life? Is the sex industry political?

4. MacKinnon says that whether one focuses on sameness or difference, man remains the measure of all things (p. 382). How does this work?

5. Why does MacKinnon consider American society “an affirmative action plan” for men (p.384).

6. What are the fallacies of thinking in terms of “women’s” art, culture, morality, or history (sometimes called “her-story)?

7. Describe MacKinnon’s “dominance” approach to gender politics. Does thinking in terms of power rather than difference change the nature of the debate?

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