Professional Custom Accounting: Understand the significance of a transnational feminist perspective to the study of women. 

Professional Custom Accounting: Understand the significance of a transnational feminist perspective to the study of women.

How do the policies of neoliberal economic globalization, such as NAFTA and/or the IMF’s structural adjustment programs, disparately impact women according to class, race and national differences across nation-state borders? 


Your essay must reference at least four readings from the textbook. The documentaries screened in class can also be used to support your main argument. You may use any other case studies to support your argument so long as you properly cite your sources.

The point of this exercise is to demonstrate that you understand the significance of a transnational feminist perspective to the study of women.

Remember to be as specific as possible about the historical time period, national context and the discipline of the feminist scholars or activists of the readings or case studies you reference.

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