Professional Custom Accounting: The Patient Self Determination Act (PDSA) of 1990, types of advance directive forms, and that AD laws and forms required, vary by state

Professional Custom Accounting: The Patient Self Determination Act (PDSA) of 1990, types of advance directive forms, and that AD laws and forms required, vary by stateV

The Patient Self Determination Act (PDSA) of 1990, types of advance directive forms, and that AD laws and forms required, vary by state. Using the Internet, research the advance directive laws and forms required to be used in the state in which you live, identify your state and provide a summary of those laws, and copy and paste in the URL address(s) that support(s) the information in your post. Share if you do or don’t currently have a legal advance directive, and why or why not? If you so wish, you may also share if your family has had any experiences with family members being critically ill with or without advance directives and what your family would or would not do differently if a similar situation arose.

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