Professional Custom Accounting: The influence of your own acculturative experiences

Professional Custom Accounting: The influence of your own acculturative experiences

Evaluating Childhood Experiences and Resiliency

Read the Discussion Participation Scoring Guide to learn how the instructor will evaluate your discussion participation throughout this course.

As you study children and adolescents, you will likely recollect your own formative experiences, whether supportive or stressful, and begin to see them through new eyes. Using your text and the assigned readings for this unit, evaluate:

1. The influence of your own acculturative experiences—including socioeconomic, religious, and cultural experiences—on your conceptions of mentally healthy children and adolescents.

2. The factors that promoted your own resilience and mental health (for example, prevention, intervention, education, and advocacy efforts; programs and networks of services) as you were growing up.

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