Professional Custom Accounting: Suggestions for decreasing the problem of false or misidentification. 

Professional Custom Accounting: Suggestions for decreasing the problem of false or misidentification.

Module 7 Discussion Assignment

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Eyewitness testimony is a fascinating topic among memory researchers, cognitive psychologists, and legal scholars. Key researchers such as Elizabeth Loftus and Gary Wells have been investigating this topic for several years. Their results are fascinating and have even played a role in changing legal procedures. For this discussion assignment, you are to watch part 1 and part 2 of the video clips listed below on the case of Ronald Cotton.  After watching the videos, respond to the following discussion questions:

1. What are the implications of false or misidentification in the courtroom? 

2. Discuss if you agree or disagree with eyewitness testimony and whether it should be allowed in the courtroom.

2. List 2-3 suggestions for decreasing the problem of false or misidentification.


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