Professional Custom Accounting: Self-Discovery and Mindfulness

Professional Custom Accounting: Self-Discovery and Mindfulness

Professional Communication and Leadership in Healthcare

Competency 1013.1.1: Self-Discovery and Mindfulness– The graduate evaluates and displays behaviors consistent with the process of self-discovery and mindfulness

Task 1: Observing Bio-Reactions


Bio-reactions (fight, flight, freeze, or appease) include quick responses to stimuli that are dangerous and fearful experiences. Bio-reactions help the brain reinforce certain pathways. Some pathways associate that past reaction with other similar events. This is one way to learn. The fear response may be associated with other nonfearful events. Because the brain is so good at making these associations, we aren’t even aware of the miscue.

Bio-reactions are automatic. In most cases they are not under your control, such as when you automatically close your eyes when something flies at your face. In other cases, you can have more control over your reaction. To be in control of these responses, the first step is to become aware of when you are experiencing a bio-reaction. To be aware of your bio-reactions, it may be helpful to ask yourself the following questions:
•   What caused the bio-reaction?

•   What was happening in the environment around you?

•   What emotions did you feel?

•   How did your body react?

•   What, if anything, did you do differently when you noticed you were having a bio-reaction?

•   Why is it important for you to be aware of your bio-reactions?

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