Professional Custom Accounting Papers:The Energy Department’s efforts to develop and deploy energy efficient solutions for buildings and manufacturing supply lines means large-scale energy and cost savings for all Americans

Professional Custom Accounting Papers:The Energy Department’s efforts to develop and deploy energy efficient solutions for buildings and manufacturing supply lines means large-scale energy and cost savings for all Americans

Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

There are many alternatives to fossil fuels out there.  I’m from the east coast and up until I got stationed in California wasn’t too familiar with solar cells or wind turbines.  Being in the desert and in a valley makes real good condition for these two and they are everywhere.  Plenty of sunlight and being in a valley causes surface wind which aids in the turbines.  “A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, is a device capable of converting energy from the Sun into electricity.” (Rohland, 2016) Even though solar cells or panels work amazing out here with all this sunlight, doesn’t mean it will work this great where the sun doesn’t shine as much. Wonderful idea but not suitable for all areas.  Same reasoning goes for the wind turbines, again not suitable for all areas is a barrier.  Physical locations and weather could be potential barriers.

Within the government there is the Department of energy.  “The Energy Department’s efforts to develop and deploy energy efficient solutions for buildings and manufacturing supply lines means large-scale energy and cost savings for all Americans.” (U.S Department of Energy, 2018) The government can greatly influence how buildings or houses for example will be built in the future.  Structures have to meet the builders code to be incompliance with guidelines and standards.  If the government changes the code to “X” material and “Y” as energy source, this will enhance the effect of saving fossil fuels.

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