Professional Custom Accounting Papers:paper based on leadership, if possible out of the three categories ( Leadership, Operations, or Management)

Professional Custom Accounting Papers:paper based on leadership, if possible out of the three categories ( Leadership, Operations, or Management)

I need help in writing an EXPOSITIONARY ESSAY on a contemporary issue facing the U.S. Army in one of three categories; Leadership, Operations, or Management, using your personal experience and at least three references (Wikipedia IS NOT an acceptable reference) to support your context. This paper must set forth an argument concerning your own experience, in one of those three categories, in a clear and concise manner; using correct grammar, sentence structure, and word usage. Provide a coherent transition from one topic to the next using structure, and transition sentences. Your essay should be in Times New Roman, 12pt font, APA 6th edition format with no abstract, and must be three to five pages in length not including your title and reference page. the recommended online resource for APA style writing is the Purdue University Owl website@

Note: I want the paper based on leadership, if possible out of the three categories ( Leadership, Operations, or Management)
Note: I need three REFERENCE you can use FM 6 – 22 Leader Development as one of three sources.

This is helpful information to understand  the basic knowledge in helping to write the EXPOSITIONARY ESSAY

What is leadership?

What is an Army Leader?

How can leaders mitigate resistance?
What conveys the expectations that the Army wants leaders to meet?

What are the leader attributes?

What are the three categories of competencies?

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