Professional Custom Accounting Papers:2. Describe the characters’ style of dress and other visual clues including facial expressions, body language and appearance, and exaggerated facial or physical characteristics.

Professional Custom Accounting Papers:2. Describe the characters’ style of dress and other visual clues including facial expressions, body language and appearance, and exaggerated facial or physical characteristics.

Choose a cartoon that is about polling, public opinion, or a politician “using” the media.

Analyze using the following steps:

1. Closely study any characters in the cartoon. Based on your knowledge of local and world  events, who can be identified?

2. Describe the characters’ style of dress and other visual clues including facial expressions, body language and appearance, and exaggerated facial or physical characteristics.

3. Identify any objects or symbols in the cartoon.

4. Read the caption or any text in the cartoon. What does it express?

5. State the message or main ideas presented in the cartoon.

6. Identify any words or phrases that appear most important.

7. Examine and illustrate the techniques the cartoonist uses to convey his message: symbolism, ridicule, caricature, satire, puns.

8. Identify what special interest groups would agree or disagree with the cartoon’s message.

9. Summarize or paraphrase the cartoon’s message or main idea.

6. Free-Response Question: Look at Table 1 below. Complete the free-response question using data from the table.

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