Professional Custom Accounting papers: Why is it important for a clinician to develop a therapeutic hypothesis,

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Why is it important for a clinician to develop a therapeutic hypothesis,

1.  In communications family therapy, resistance and symptoms were treated with a variety of paradoxical techniques, known as therapeutic double-binds. Define and give an illustration of a therapeutic double-bind. Why were they considered so powerful?

2.  What was the positive impact of research on family dynamics and schizophrenia? What was its negative impact?

3. Some would argue that there is a radical divergence between family systems therapies and the more traditional psychotherapeutic approaches. Others would challenge this view, arguing that there are many points of similarity and that the differences are exaggerated. Which position do you agree with and why?

4.  What is essential to accomplish in the first session in order to establish a productive therapeutic alliance with a family?

5.  Why is it important for a clinician to develop a therapeutic hypothesis, and what are some of the elements that such a formulation should include?

6.  Why is traditional couples therapy considered potentially dangerous in the treatment of cases involving marital violence?  What are some of the arguments in favor of treating violent partners together in couples therapy?

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