Professional Custom Accounting papers: Why do you think Clinton and Trump over-performed with certain types of voters and under-performed with other types of voters?

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Why do you think Clinton and Trump over-performed with certain types of voters and under-performed with other types of voters?

The Power Point lecture on political parties illustrated how different groups in society trend in terms of voting patterns between the Democratic and Republican parties.  While overall trends remained fairly stable in the 2016 presidential election, there were some notable shifts (Clinton did a bit better than the norm for a Democrat among women, minority, college-educated, and suburban voters;  while Trump did better than the norm for a Republican among men, union members and rural voters).  You need to answer two questions: (1) why do you think we see these fairly consistent divisions between these groups listed below and their partisan voting behavior and (2) why do you think Clinton and Trump over-performed with certain types of voters and under-performed with other types of voters?

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