Professional Custom Accounting papers: Which jurisprudential theory contends that the Constitution’s meaning changes over time in order to reflect the constantly changing needs of society?

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Which jurisprudential theory contends that the Constitution’s meaning changes over time in order to reflect the constantly changing needs of society?

1. Judicial review is

a. The practice of a common law court determining the wisdom of a statutory law

b. The practice of a court determining the constitutionality of a statute or other state-sanctioned act/practice

c. The practice of a legislature reviewing a court’s decisions to determine their constitutionality

d. The practice of the executive branch reviewing the qualifications of a potential nominee to the Supreme Court.

2. The predecessor to the U.S. Constitution was

a. The Bill of Rights

b. The Magna Charta

c. The Federalist Papers

d. The Articles of Confederation

3. Which jurisprudential theory contends that the Constitution’s meaning changes over time in order to reflect the constantly changing needs of society?

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