Professional Custom Accounting papers: What role did the KKK and the Red Shirt militias play in southern politics during the 1860s and 1870s?

Professional Custom Accounting papers: What role did the KKK and the Red Shirt militias play in southern politics during the 1860s and 1870s?

Please follow directions of each post.

Answer each forum accordingly and separately and attach correct references to the corresponding  forum.

African American History

Choose 1 question and answer

300 words minimum

First watch the PBS video:

Reconstruction: A Moment In The Sun :

Choose one of the below for your main post.

Respond to at least one student who answered a different question from you. The answers should come from your textbook, the lectures, videos, and the research you conducted in the Library.

1) Give detailed, analytical examples of how the ex-slave society tried to stop the advancement of African Americans after the Civil War.

2) How did African Americans respond to the end of slavery and the realities of freedom? How did southern whites respond to the loss of their slaves and the slave-based economy?

3) Analytically describe the debate in Congress over Reconstruction. What was the result? How did the laws and policies passed affect the South?

4) Analyze why Reconstruction ended.

5) What role did the KKK and the Red Shirt militias play in southern politics during the 1860s and 1870s?

Last part: At the end of your post please comment in one paragraph on what you have learned that was new, surprising, and interesting. .

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