Professional Custom Accounting papers: What is Rosenberg’s argument about the nature of the Supreme Court?

Professional Custom Accounting papers: What is Rosenberg’s argument about the nature of the Supreme Court?

Read “The Court and American Life,” from David O’ Brien’s Storm Center: The Supreme Court in American Politics and “The Hollow Hope: Can Courts Bring about Social Change?” by Gerald Rosenberg, and respond to the following:

What is O’Brien’s argument about the nature of the Supreme Court? (provide brief explanation and evidence supporting his argument)

What is Rosenberg’s argument about the nature of the Supreme Court? (provide brief explanation and evidence supporting his argument)

Do you find either of these arguments compelling? Why or why not?  (Try to demonstrate critical thinking in your analysis, such as by using a real world example which supports or refutes the author’s argument, if applicable.)

Please make your response at least 3/4 of one page in length (double spaced, size 12 Times New Roman).  Please do not use name, traditional header information, or titles for this assignment.

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