Professional Custom Accounting Papers: What information did you find useful in Altrichter’s examination of action research examples. Where do your interests overlap with the studies presented?

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: What information did you find useful in Altrichter’s examination of action research examples. Where do your interests overlap with the studies presented?

63 in text citations

300 words

not title page

double check grammar

MUST use Altricher reference!

What information did you find useful in Altrichter’s examination of action research examples (Altrichter, chapter 9)? Where do your interests overlap with the studies presented?


Altrichter, H., Feldman, A., Posch, P., & Somekh, B. (2008). Teachers Investigate their Work (2nd Edition).  New York, NY: Routlege.

In addition to the Altrichter text, consider looking through The Journal of Teacher Action Research

to see additional examples of action research by teachers.  Feel free to share one of the examples you found relevant to your study.

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