Professional Custom Accounting Papers:    What are the signs of child maltreatment? 

Professional Custom Accounting Papers:    What are the signs of child maltreatment?

Discussion 1

Discuss each of the following:

1.   What are the signs of child maltreatment?
2.   What do the laws in your state say about reporting incidents of child abuse?

3.   You are working in an agency as a child/adolescent counselor.  Respond to either of the following situations:

a.     A 6  yr. old boy tells you in a session with you that his black eye came from  his Dad the other evening.  He reports that his father was pushing his  mom and your client got in the middle of it to “help” his mom.   Is  this child abuse?  Explain and discuss what points need to be  considered in this situation in the best interests of your client,  especially considering your understanding of your state’s reporting laws  and your obligations per the 2014 ACA Ethical Code regarding working  with minors and mandatory reporting.

b.    A 14  year old girl whose aunt brings her to her appointments,  is seeing you  for individual counseling and lets you know in a session that she has  been living alone after her mother moved in with her boyfriend 3 weeks  ago.   Her mother told her not to tell her aunt because she would call  the police and the girl would end up in foster care. Is this child  abuse?  Explain and discuss what points need to be considered in this  situation in the best interests of your clinet, especially considering  your understanding of your state’s reporting laws and your obligations  per the 2014 ACA Ethical Code regarding working with minors and  mandatory reporting.

Please  be aware that grading in this forum is about accuracy but also the  exploration of the topics presented.  Don’t hold back your questions  with one another.  I want you to thoroughly consider and explore these  situations.  Discussing cases like these will really help you in the  future as a professional counselor!  🙂

Discussion 2

How should a counselor handle group counseling with children and confidentiality?

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