Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Training and Development in the Organization

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Training and Development in the Organization

Assignment: Training and Development in the Organization

Based on what you learned through the assigned readings and course content, you will create a model (in a PowerPoint slide) that visually depicts training and development in terms of how training and development should be integrated within an organization.  A “model” is an illustration of your theory of training and development—based on your thoughts, experiences, perspective, and opinion.

For an example of a training and development model, check out the Learning Transfer model created by Ford and Weissbein, which is part of your assigned reading for this module.

Please arrange your model in a PowerPoint slide or slides. Refer to the Module 1 Critical Thinking assignment for best practices in PowerPoint design. Provide speaker notes for this slide or slides. Explain the model in more depth in the speaker notes. Support your design with citations from 2-3 credible sources documented according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

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