Professional Custom Accounting Papers: time management skills

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: time management skills

For this assignment you will read and critique the Writing Assignment written by one of your peers. The goal is to practice and enhance your critical reading and thinking skills, apply your time management skills to meet a short deadline, use your writing skills to prepare a summary of your analysis, and improve your peer’s paper.

The Critique

The main focus of your analysis should be on the content of the paper rather than its syntactical construction, although glaring spelling and grammar errors that detract from the presentation of the information should not be overlooked. You should write an approximately one-page summary of your analysis based on your understanding of the nature and purpose of the assignment. To guide you in preparing your critique, be sure to answer these questions:

1. Does the author clearly describe the work and the worldview (including view of metaphysics) of the scientist(s) being examined?

2. Does the author provide insight into the ramifications of the science discussed for the course of future/later developments?

3. Does the author correctly present evidence of the subject’s conception of the scientific method in action?

4. Does the author provide a critical analysis in terms of Kuhn’s categories and the other categories requested?

5. Does the author take into account the presumed worldview of contemporaries, when analyzing reactions to the work?

6. Does the author provide an unbiased and rational analysis of any controversy brought up?

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