Professional Custom Accounting Papers: The prosecutors’ option to plea bargain a criminal case is the major area of discretion which dramatically effects the criminal justice system. 

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: The prosecutors’ option to plea bargain a criminal case is the major area of discretion which dramatically effects the criminal justice system.

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The prosecutors’ option to plea bargain a criminal case is the major area of discretion which dramatically effects the criminal justice system.

Is plea bargaining good or bad?

            Remember, regardless of the pre-trial review, the verdict is never a foregone conclusion; and persons found not guilty are set free.

1. The defense attorney for a reputed drug dealer has just offered to have his client plead guilty to simple possession and accept a 1 year jail sentence, suspended any incarceration for one year supervised probation and a mandatory drug treatment program.  At the same time the prosecutor learns that the drug analysis exam was compromised by the failure of the laboratory to sanitize the analysis mechanisms prior to testing.  Another test could be done, but at significant expense and only if the assigned trial judge accept a motion to delay the trial date.  Should the prosecutor accept the plea?

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