Professional Custom Accounting papers: The president nominates the cabinet and judges while the Senate confirms these nominations.

Professional Custom Accounting papers: The president nominates the cabinet and judges while the Senate confirms these nominations.

In 2016, Justice Scalia died unexpectedly and President Obama nominated Garland.

This is a discussion post. Please make sure is at least 2-3 paragraph

As we are learning in the first discussion, the president nominates the cabinet and judges while the Senate confirms these nominations. In 2016, Justice Scalia died unexpectedly and President Obama nominated Garland. What happened? Why did some people believe this was a dereliction of the Senate’s duties?


PLEASE USE at least one SCHOLARLY PEER-review REFERENCES, along with the book below, Intext citation APA FORMAT AND PLEASE MAKE SURE ONE IS FROM THIS BOOk

Roskin, M. G., Cord, R. L., Medeiros, J. A., & Jones, W. S. (2014). Political science: An introduction (13th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. References

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