Professional Custom Accounting papers: the effects of UV raditin on human that cause skin cancer and eye damage

Professional Custom Accounting papers: the effects of UV raditin on human that cause skin cancer and eye damage

I write the instruction  in word document  ai want to follow the instruction exactly and  i upload the resources that i need 1 – article  and website the article is only 4 headline i wanted not all article

also there are 3 quotation  i already choose and put it in the word docment

I write the instruction  in word document and i upload the resources that i need

i need write one page and half

the effects of UV raditin on human that cause skin cancer and eye damage


I want to write about these

1- Ultraviolet radiation

2- VR and skin cancer pathogenesi

3- Skin color and photoprotection

4- UVR and damaging effects

5- UVR-induced immunosuppression

These are headline will find it in the article

First quotation

According to this article “The UV range is the most significant spectrum of sunlight that causes photoaging and skin cancer’’

I want to write this UVR and damaging effects then put this

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