Professional Custom Accounting Papers: summarize the decision and explain whether you agree or disagree with the outcome.

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: summarize the decision and explain whether you agree or disagree with the outcome.

During an economic recession, discuss how management’s or a union’s bargaining power might be affected. Give an appropriate business example to illustrate what you mean, support it with at least one reference.

Please interact with at least one description and make different roles and impacts.

Locate and briefly summarize a case decision where an employer or union was found guilty of bad faith bargaining ( or not!). Briefly summarize the decision and explain whether you agree or disagree with the outcome.

Make sure to post the URL and the full APA reference.

Please interact with one of your classmates.

As part of collective bargaining, there are three (3) possible topics for negotiation. What are they, what is the difference between them, and provide two examples of each. Also, why is it important to the collective bargaining process to differentiate between these types of topics?

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