Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Sexual Victimization

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Sexual Victimization

Note: Use discretion in asking these questions.

  • As a child, did anyone ever touch the client sexually when they did not want them to?
  • Has the client ever been forced into sexual acts as a child or adult?
  • Who, if anyone, has the client ever had a sexual experience with who was also a relative?
  • Has the client ever been forced to have any kind of sex with anyone? If so:
  • What happened? With whom?
  • Where? When?
  • Whom did he or she tell? If no one, why not?
  • What did he or she do about it?
  • How did or has this affected him or her? Pay attention to any indications of guilt the client may have about these experiences, even if they are denied.
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