Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Sexual Education

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Sexual Education

  • At what age did the client learn and who told client that baby grows inside the mother?
  • At what age did the client gain a first understanding of intercourse? At what age did the client learn that the penis could go inside the vagina?
  • At what age did the client gain a first understanding of menstruation?
  • At what age did the client first learn about masturbation? STDs? Prostitution? Homosexuality? Condoms?
  • In general, what kind of sex education did the client have? What was the moral, psychological, and emotional tone?
  • How did the client’s father, mother, siblings, peers, and teachers contribute to client’s sexual education?
  • Are or were there questions about sex and sexuality that the client has always wondered about?
  • In general, you are looking for is an account of how the client first learned about sex and from whom.
  • The client’s feelings, impressions, responses, etc.
  • What was the client’s impression of their parents’ feelings regarding sex?
  • How did religious beliefs apparently affect how sexuality was handled in the family, then and now?
  • How was nudity handled in the family?
  • Does the client remember first seeing their mother or father nude?
  • What about nudity amongst siblings?
  • What about impressions and feelings?
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