Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Self Image-What is the client’s general sense of himself or herself physically?

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Self Image-What is the client’s general sense of himself or herself physically?

Here we are looking for general adequacy and inadequacy issues.

  • What is the client’s general sense of himself or herself physically?
  • What does the client like best about his or her body?
  • If the client could change one thing about his or her body, what would it be?
  • How does the client think his or her partner feels about the client’s body? Is it a cause for concern?
  • Are there any uncertainties and concerns about the client’s body; specifically, his or her genitalia?
  • Are there any concerns about the client’s partner’s genitalia?
  • Sense of client’s sexuality: Does the client consider himself or herself to be confident in his or her sexual abilities?
  • Is the client’s partner confident in the client’s sexual abilities? Is the client’s partner confident in his or her own sexual abilities?
  • What is the best sexual relationship the client was ever in? What made it the best?
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