Professional Custom Accounting papers: Recommending a Preventative Maintenance Program 

 Professional Custom Accounting papers: Recommending a Preventative Maintenance Program

 Professional Custom Accounting papers: Recommending a Preventative Maintenance Program Recommending a Preventative Maintenance Program


 Professional Custom Accounting papers: Recommending a Preventative Maintenance Program


Since managers and executives are so busy, it is not always easy for them to identify how spending money will actually save money. This exercise involves drafting a statement to your management team in order to persuade them to invest in a preventative maintenance program. Highlight an example of preventative maintenance in your current work environment. First, estimate the cost of the preventative maintenance and then compare it to the cost of not fixing the problem along with the other problems that might occur because of it. With at least 200 words, prepare a statement to the management staff of your company to persuade them to proceed with the expenditure of the money in a preventative mode.


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