Professional Custom Accounting Papers: political Socialization, Political Behavior, and Public Opinion

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: political Socialization, Political Behavior, and Public Opinion

Political Socialization, Political Behavior, and Public Opinion

. Politicians study political socialization and the political behavior of their constituents to direct their campaigns. Politicians may focus on different issues and messages during their campaigns depending on the audience they are speaking to at any given time. For example, if a politician is speaking to a group of business people then the politician would know that and direct their messages to the interests of those people in that certain business industry. If the politician is speaking to a group of farmers, the politician is going to direct their messages to the interests and needs of farmers. Before politicians speak to any group they will study and understand the characteristics of that group so they can direct their messages to that group’s interests. If you were a politician about to go and speak to a group of people, tell me the at least three (3) things you would want to know about that group of people that would help you direct your message. Fully explain why you want to know about these characteristics and how they would help you.

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