Professional Custom Accounting Papers: POL201 Week 3 Discussion 2 Mass Shootings as it relates to the Gun Control Act (1968)

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: POL201 Week 3 Discussion 2 Mass Shootings as it relates to the Gun Control Act (1968)

POL201 Week 3 Discussion 2

Mass Shootings as it relates to the Gun Control Act (1968)

Cases of mass shooting have significantly increased in the past few years. This has been attributed by lack of effective policy implementation and negligence. This paper presents the annotated bibliography based on the Gun Control Policy (1968).


Jost, K. (2008, October 31). Gun Rights Debates: Should restrictions on firearms be relaxed? Retrieved from CQ Researcher February 19, 2017


The article starts how various guns rights activists’ victories in the US history as well as how people have been able to oppose the second amendment. There are different types of guns and rules to use or possess one differs. The article went ahead to show the way anti-gun activist noted that they would not be able to succeed in attacking the second amendments, they started to tighten the rules and regulation on certain types of guns that they termed dangerously. Violence lives in cities and neighborhoods. It has been stated that young people who commit suicide have had access to a gun in their household.

Having access to a firearm in a home can increase the likelihood that it will be used. Many people who own a gun state that it is for safety or protection for themselves or their family. The article plays an imperative role in revealing the time of punishment that anyone is likely to face in case they are found guilty of owning a gun. The source is crucial since it has offered background knowledge about the research topic in addition to presenting the battle of the gun control through the history. After reading this source, I now understand what the country has gone through in executing the gun control policy.


Pew Research Center (2016. August 26) Gun Rights vs. Gun Control Pew research center retrieved from


The author tries to compare people who are for guns right and the gun control as well as the transformation that has taken place in the past two decades. The article presents views of different religious groups in the US and what they think should be done to control the situation. The authors have also highlighted the relevant subjects as well as background checks on the development of this policy and public support. Gun violence is not only a problem; it is also a health concern, which can be treated with preventive measures.

Advocates for healthcare have already started campaigns such as, antismoking campaigns, mothers against drunk driving, and campaigns for people who ride motorcycles to wear helmets. Attacks like this can help solve issues in regards to the public health concerns, employing legal changes. Gun violence is becoming a social problem, and there is now an opportunity to make constitutional amendments to prevent it. The article has provided enough information about the topic as such I believe that understanding such question can help in changing the society. I will also use the information to educate people about the importance of this policy in the country.


Small, A. (2008, Summer). Reviving “law office history”: how academic and historical sources influence Second Amendment jurisprudence. American Criminal Law Review, 45(3), Retrieved from https://


The author divides the Control Act (1968) policy. The author has divided the system into different subsection and explains the changes that have been witnessed in the past decades. The author also evaluates the Supreme cases that comprise the policy interpretations. The article has provided relevant information about the supreme ruling. People across the country have different opinion or views on the gun control act, they have offered many reasons for supporting and opposing it.

As such, there is need to come up with the most effective way of making sure that the policy is active and is supported by citizens. Based on the author it will not be easy for the government to implement or execute the system when most citizens are against it. The reforms that have been carried out on this policy has not been effective hence more have to be done. This article is essential in explaining the changes that have taken place in the country in addition to the implementation of Gun control Act (1968).


Hodges H. (2015 May) Challenging the Political Assumption That “Guns Don’t Kill People,

Crazy People Kill People!” Journal of Orthopsychiatry 85(3)


The author emphasis was the on the contention of if the guns kill people. The article indicates that the use of weapons has become the main threat to the country. The author presents examples that the wrong use of firearms has led to tragedy. The author went ahead to shows the rate of gun shooting in the country. In the past few years, some people with a mental health condition have been involved in the mass shooting.

This has become one of the most significant challenges in execute gun policy. Statistics on gun control and gun violence and its effect on public health is a fair issue that can affect numerous people living in the U.S. The information that has been discussed previously can show the impact of some gun violence that has been changing the United States for a long time. The data from this article is helpful in revealing that people should not hold guns responsible for the high rate of shootings.

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