Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 1998

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 1998


Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 1998

The paper is to be at least 5 pages (double spaced) not including the title page and

references page. It should include a clear thesis statement providing an objective for the

paper serving as a basis for the direction of your research. The points and direction of your

paper should support your thesis. The paper should also include a conclusion based on your


At least 7 sources should be used. Just a few sources is not really a good basis for a

research paper. Multiple sources enrich the value of your research. Please keep in mind

that, should you find it useful, you can also draw upon your own professional experiences.

You can also even interview a subject matter expert and use that input as part of your

paper, citing the source.


All papers should meet the following criteria:

· Follow APA formatting and style guidelines (6th edition)

· Follow all instructions for each assignment

· 12 inch standard font such as Arial, Times New Roman or Calibri

· 1 inch margins

· Double-spaced

· Submitted on time · Represent your best work

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