Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

Review all relevant medical history, medications, and treatments. Explore family medical history.

Objective Testing
Identify the full name of each test, and include descriptions of the purposes for each one used in the assessment. 


Tests administered

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, second edition (MMPI-2)

The MMPI-2 is a self-administered personality inventory designed to evaluate personality traits and symptoms of psychological illnesses and personal maladaptive adjustment.

Weschler Adult Intelligence Scales, fourth edition (WAIS 4)

The WAIS 4 is a full-scale intelligence test used to identify intellectual functioning and potential deficits in both verbal and non-verbal areas.


Relate your findings in the format recommended by the test manual. Incorporate your findings with your observations of the client and the self-descriptions the client offered during the interview. Also, include test findings as they relate to collateral information on the client.

Diagnostic Impressions

Using the latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders provide your diagnostic impressions that may include subtypes, specifiers or rule outs.

Summarize your findings by incorporating interview data, test data, collateral information, and mental status elements. Discuss your findings as they relate to your observations of the client and the referral question and purpose of the assessment.

Discuss your recommendations as they relate to the referral question, treatment needs, third party request, and the purpose of the assessment.

Sign your name and credentials.      Date your report.

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