Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Marriage and Current Relationship
Marriage and Current Relationship
- What are the client’s current sexual activities?
- If married or divorced, at what age did the client first marry? How long had client known spouse before marrying? Did they live together before marriage?
- How would the client characterize the relationship?
- During the first year or years of the relationship, how frequent was sexual intercourse?
- How does that compare to current levels of sexual activity?
- What is the frequency of sexual contact?
- What is the amount of time spent being sexually intimate with partner?
- What are the initiation patterns for sexual activity?
- What behaviors does the couple engage in? Examples include kissing, foreplay, oral sex, anal sex, and sexual positions. What are the client’s favorite activities?
- What is the client’s and their partner’s comfort level with the couple’s sexuality in general?
- What about specific behaviors?
- What is the amount and clarity of communication about sex? What is the amount and clarity of communication during sex?
- What does the client find sexually arousing?
- How regularly and consistently are both partners orgasmic?
- When are the client and partner most likely to be interested sexually? When are they least interested?
- Is the client aware of a particular relationship between his or her emotions and his or her sex drive and sexual availability?
- What is the client’s level of satisfaction with the sexual relationship?
- What have been the best and worst periods sexually in the relationship? Why does client think they were so?
- Does couple use contraception? What form? Does the client have any concerns related to contraception?
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