Professional Custom Accounting papers: Major challenges and opportunities emerge from international events

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Major challenges and opportunities emerge from international events

Moral and Ethical Dilemmas from America’s Use of Drones

Purpose: The primary goal of our third summative assignment is to explore the moral and ethical conduct of foreign policy. Specifically, you will use the moral/ethical concepts of relativism, universalism, and pragmatism to analyze the use of unmanned drones by the U.S. to achieve national security objectives.

Prepare: Review Chapters 5, 6 and 7 in the course text. In addition, watch the video, The U.S. Drone Program is Fatally Flawed: A Debate.

Reflect: The contemporary international system is faced with many challenges and opportunities. Major challenges and opportunities emerge from international events that often create ethical and moral dilemmas. Challenges (i.e., how to treat our fellow humans morally and ethically) or opportunities (i.e., how to establish absolute standards of human conduct and behavior in international affairs) are part of these enduring moral and ethical dilemmas. Scholars have developed conceptions of moral and ethical behavior that enable us to better understand and evaluate these challenges and opportunities. Among these conceptions are relativism, universalism, and pragmatism. A deeper understanding of these concepts will enable you to expand your investigations of complex and contentious international events, such as the use of drones to implement foreign policy goals.

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