Professional Custom Accounting Papers: low level sexual assault charge, psychological treatment

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: low level sexual assault charge, psychological treatment. the victim is 11 years old and the defendant is looking at major criminal time and the life-long designation as a “Child Sex Offender”.  The only plea the defense is willing to consider is a low level sexual assault charge, psychological treatment, but absolutely  NO child sex offender designation.  Should the prosecutor make the plea deal?

 A petty thief and burglar who has been arrested several times and served several  prison and jail terms gets caught riding in a stolen car being driven by a buddy.  As it happens he didn’t steal this particular car but was picked up by his friend after it was stolen.  He explains all this to his attorney. The problem is, with his association with the driver/thief and his record he know it is entirely likely he will get charges as an accessory to the car theft and get convicted and sentenced to several years in prison..  The defense attorney tells his client he thinks that if the defendant pleads guilty to simple possession of stolen goods he can get a few months jail time or even probation, even though he is actually innocent.  Should the attorney make the plea bargain with the prosecutor?

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