Professional Custom Accounting papers: Is there a connection between this record and campaign contributors?

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Is there a connection between this record and campaign contributors?

1. Describe the district and its voters: district history, geography, demographics, voting history, major employers. Include a map of the district in an appendix.

2. Provide some basic biographical information about the current member of congress: occupation, party, previous elected offices held, elections won and lost, etc.

3. What are the member’s positions on political issues? Do these match up with member’s party’s platform? In order to answer this question, you will need to familiarize yourself with the party’s platform.

4. Describe the member’s committee and subcommittee membership: (include description of the work that these committees do) and leadership positions, if any

5. Who has contributed the most to the member’s campaigns?

6. Describe your member’s legislative record: how they vote, what legislation are they involved in crafting, etc. Is there a connection between this record and campaign contributors? How does this match up with the information provided on the member’s website?

7. How is the member scored according to various interest groups? How does this match up with how the member presents himself?

8. You must find and describe some non-partisan criticism of either your representative or one of the laws your representative has voted for and has passed.

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