Professional Custom Accounting Papers: is masturbation the client’s first experience of orgasm and ejaculation?

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: is masturbation the client’s first experience of orgasm and ejaculation?

  • As a child or adolescent, can a client ever engage in masturbation? If so, at what age? What were the patterns?
  • is masturbation the client’s first experience of orgasm and ejaculation?
  • What were the client’s reactions to the first masturbatory orgasm?
  • What did the client know about masturbation at this age?
  • Were there concerns that masturbation would harm the client? Examples include growing hair on his or her palms, stunted growth, and damage to self sexually.
  • What were the client’s feelings about masturbation? Did they involve guilt and shame? Did he or she feel like the only person doing it?
  • Was masturbation solitary? Were siblings, cousins, or others involved?
  • What was or is the cultural and religious perspective regarding masturbation?
  • How does the client describe parental attitudes about masturbation?
  • What, if any, are the current masturbation patterns? Are there any concerns or questions about current patterns?
  • Does the client fantasize sexually during masturbation?
  • Generally, how long does it take client to reach orgasm during masturbation?
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