Professional Custom Accounting papers: Internal vs. External Candidates Worksheet

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Internal vs. External Candidates Worksheet

Internal vs. External Candidates Worksheet

Compare in a total of 525 to 700 words the strategies used to evaluate internal versus external candidates. 





Assess in 175 words the factors that should be considered when deciding whether to hire from within to seek external candidates.


Select a position with which you are familiar.

Determine in 175 words whether you would hire using an internal or external process.

Defend your recommendation.

Internal vs. External Candidates Worksheet


ABC/123 Version X


Internal vs. External Candidates Worksheet

Compare in a total of 525 to 700 words the strategies used to evaluate internal versus external candidates.

Strategy Pros Cons

Assess in 175 words the factors that should be considered when deciding whether to hire from within to seek external candidates.

Select a position with which you are familiar.

Determine in 175 words whether you would hire using an internal or external process.

Defend your recommendation.

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