Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Identifying at least 1 strength and 1 weakness in their application of the Social Cognitive Theory.

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Identifying at least 1 strength and 1 weakness in their application of the Social Cognitive Theory.

Identifying at least 1 strength and 1 weakness in their application of the Social Cognitive Theory. Reply with at least 300 words to the other classmate threads. All writing must follow current APA format, including 2 in-text citations and references.

The Social Cognitive Theory provides insight on different ways students can assimilate new skills and understanding.  It is shown that the development of new skills and knowledge can transpire through a variety of avenues.  Bandura’s research shows that “human functioning is viewed as a series of reciprocal interactions among personal, behavioral, and environmental factors” (Schunk, 2016).  This theory suggests that humans will remember skills that were correct, but they will reject the skills and knowledge that were not proven to be correct (Schunk, 2016).  Social Cognitive Theory connects many lines of thinking that are especially helpful in the classroom to develop instructional practices.  By using a variety of these methods, teachers can maximize students learning.  Aspects of this theory can be used for acquiring new motor skills as well as improving cognitive skills.  Through various forms of modeling, instructors can help students improve their self-regulation and self-efficacy skills to improve their overall mastery of skills and content knowledge.Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

There are two main strategies I use in my classroom that would fall under the umbrella of Social Cognitive Theory.  The first is the concept of modeling.  Modeling appropriate behavior and attitude as a leader is crucial to maintain a classroom full of motivated learners.  Even if the day fails to meet expectations or there is an unforeseen obstacle, it is important for me to maintain my positive and upbeat attitude, so the students will have a good example of how to handle the situation appropriately.  I also use modeling during instructional time to show students how to complete tasks or assignments.  This has proven extremely effective in student learning.  The second strategy is helping students improve their self-efficacy.  My lower level students tend to have the lowest self-efficacy, and they often can achieve more if they improve their self-confidence.  The most effective method I have utilized is teaching them the concept for growth mindset and fixed mindset.  Fixed mindset is the understanding that intelligence is fixed, and you are born with a certain amount of intelligence (Dweck, 2016).  Growth mindset is the concept that you can improve your ability to learn if you work long enough with great effort (Dweck, 2016).  Teaching student the difference between the two and how to develop a growth mindset has improved the atmosphere and content mastery in my classroom.  I have many students who struggle with school and rarely feel successful in academic classes.  Using this information, they are able to improve their self-efficacy.  Hard work does pay off, but it can be a difficult road.  I always encourage these students to keep working and never give up.  God is calling them to do great things with their life, and we are here to help them achieve their dreams (Philippians 4:16, NIV).Justify and provide several and relevant examples to the latter.


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