Professional Custom Accounting papers: Identify strategies to manage resistance to change with your organization. Discuss how these strategies could be implemented.

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Identify strategies to manage resistance to change with your organization. Discuss how these strategies could be implemented.

1. Discuss the relationship between an organizational mission statement, philosophy, goals, objectives, policies, procedures and rules. Review the mission and goals and objectives within your own organization and evaluate how consistent they are with the organization and how well they are being achieved. How well does your organization communicate these to you? Do you feel you play a role in your organization’s mission and how?

2. Identify strategies to manage resistance to change with your organization. Discuss how these strategies could be implemented.

Give examples of change you have experienced within an organization and discuss how you responded to change. Why is resistance an expected response to change?

3. Identify common internal and external time wasters as well as interventions that can be taken to reduce their impact. Identify time wasters you have noted in your own organization and how they have impacted you within your role. Discuss time management practices you use in your role as a student/nurse/ health care professional.


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