Professional Custom Accounting papers: Identify and examine a federal or state social welfare policy that aims to address this social problem.

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Identify and examine a federal or state social welfare policy that aims to address this social problem.

In this module you will start thinking about what social injustice is and how public policies at the local, state, and national level may contribute to social problems.

Research social welfare policies using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet.

  • Select a social problem, for example, poverty, crime, or unemployment.
  • Identify and describe the social factors that contribute to the problem.
  • Identify and examine a federal or state social welfare policy that aims to address this social problem.
  • Employ the textbook’s National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics as a frame of reference and complete the following:
    • Explain whether this social policy addresses the social problem adequately and ethically.
    • Give reasons and examples in support.
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