Professional Custom Accounting Papers: HRM 510: Assign 1: Employment Laws, Policies, And Processes

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: HRM 510: Assign 1: Employment Laws, Policies, And Processes

HRM 510: Assign 1: Employment Laws, Policies, And Processes

Assignment 1: Employment Laws, Policies, and Processes


  Imagine that you are the Director of the HR Department at your current organization or an organization with which you are familiar. You are responsible for delegating duties to your team for the selection, development, and management of both the new and current employees. You must ensure that your organization is diverse and follows all employment laws.

(Note: You may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of these assignments. In your original work, you may use aspects of existing processes from either your current or a former place of employment. However, you must remove any and all identifying information that would enable someone to discern the organization[s] that you have used.)

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

Evaluate the effectiveness of the organization’s HR policies and processes that are designed to promote a diverse workforce. Next, outline one (1) strategy for the organization that recognizes affirmative action. Include a plan to mitigate both the glass ceiling effect and reverse discrimination within your organization. Support your response with at least two (2) examples that illustrate the major benefits of the plan to the organization.

Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

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